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Permutation tests
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In 1923 Jerzy Spława-Neyman introduced a permutation model for the analysis of agricultural field experiments. This early paper used permutation methods to compare and evaluate differences among several crop varieties.
Berry K. J., Johnston J. E., Mielke Jr. P. W. (2014) , p. 21.
In 1925, 2 years after Spława-Neyman introduced a permutation model for the analysis of field experiments, Fisher calculated an exact probability value using the binomial probability distribution in his first book: Statistical Methods for Research Workers.
Berry K. J., Johnston J. E., Mielke Jr. P. W. (2014) , p. 29.
In 1927, R.C. Geary was the first to use an exact analysis to demonstrate the utility of asymptotic approaches for data analysis in an investigation of the properties of correlation and regression in finite populations.
Berry K. J., Johnston J. E., Mielke Jr. P. W. (2014) , p. 31.
In 1933, J. Neyman and E.S. Pearson provided a method for determining the most efficient test of a hypothesis [...] Unfortunately, by this time, theory had outrun practice. These new permutation methods were beyond the capabilities of the mechanical computing devices of the 1930s–1940s.
Good (2005) p. 11.
In 1937 E.S. Pearson referenced the Fisher text on The Design of Experiments in his consideration of randomizations in “Some aspects of the problem of randomization”
Berry K. J., Johnston J. E., Mielke Jr. P. W. (2014) , p. 76.

Permutation tests
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